Wednesday, April 7, 2010

i fell in love with a dead boy

i became a fan on anthony hegarty very recently
and the above posted video. i am very fond of

his/her (a very androgynous being-and this is my attraction as well)
i find the voice backed up by a full orchestra

i have played this song several times and several times
there has been moments of falling
even a feeling of floating.
yet in that falling i felt suspended in a bubble of peace

if only us as our current human being-ness
accepted all walks of life..androgynous, lesbian, straight, meat eater
yoga lover, vegan snacker ,gangster rapper.

i get stuck in the potential of our beings

upon walking a path of a teacher of kundalini yoga

i find this technology so welcoming so healing.
the message that seems to be so clear is you are God
in the universe resides within you.

you need no acceptance from others: (from church, from state)
you are perfect as you are .
all you do need is acceptace of yourself.

your goal as a child of truth:
being of total love
healing forgiveness and kindness to yourself

having lived in a lesbian relationship for several years of my life
i found that the community of lgbt need this message.

this technology of kundalini yoga is a tool an awakening a healer

to abuse yourself because your different????
you were born with a male body but find urself to be a soul of a woman.
great! more power to you for having the power to be honest with
yourself which says so very much.

today this post is dedicated to all my lesbian, gay , transgendered, bisexual sisters and brothers...may you stand in your truth with
courage. May you know u are respected by Me and have My heart
and love pumping out to you...Congrads on being YOU~!!!!!

let church and state continue to be church and state
and you just continue being courage, strength and the truth!

Bless U

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