Tuesday, April 13, 2010

raw food and healing in pictures

this was my first attempt at actually trying to use some
editing something or other so bear with me if you will.

so many new things have unfolded in the last week
and this is the last thing i thought i would
be making a video about but this is what
has come out of me on this day.

i am on a journey
and i am facing the truth about myself
my behaviors and my habits
i have decided to be truthful with myself about how
i treated my being (body mind and soul)

i am going for the full healing here folks

u know the thing is no matter how well we trick others
about what we are up to
within ourselves we know the truth
and often its these lies and tricks that keep us from
our true potential and our true healing
and a life of happiness

i am just sharing as these truths ufold to me
and my decision to jump on the healing path

in no way are these pictures easy to share
and in no way is explaining my emotions or state of being
in these pictures easy. its quite painful actually.

its a pain im willing to endure
in hope that some where along the way
someone will come upon me and know they are not alone
and its ok to finally look at urself for who you truly are
and what you truly do.

the first step is being true to you
u have to be brave and probably endure some losses in regard
to friendships and old patterns that supported u
and ur old way of being and this is ok
this will pass when u realize

it is truly easier to live in truth and health
than it is to live in pain and lies

may this be your permission

with sweet love and blessings

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